

Don't worry, be happy!

When you worry, call me, I'll make you happy..
You will laugh or smile when you are happy, and smile and laugh always be the most best medicine!
So, don't worry and be happy..

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Miss Secondary Life

I miss secondary school life.

Few days ago, when chatting with Nixin, we got talk about our F4 and F5 life.
The best secondary school memories in my life.
Memories that let a smiling face appears automatically on my face when recalling back the sweet moments.
Sincere smiles.

Form 4
Good relationship between each other.

Form 5
4 of us have very very good relationship, always hang out together for yumcha, funfair, group study and so on..

Time flows, relationship fade.
Luckily, remain very good relationship with Nixin, BFF. =)
But, not really with Phooi and Abby.
Friendship fade.

Of course, not forgotten my bro, Mr. Chai.
Always support me.=)
Still remain quite close although study at different campus.


Today went for video shooting, secondary school life part.
Again, all the memories flash by in my mind.

Really miss secondary school life.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013



KenGor, 你行的
PEACE!! : 3

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

EMO liao lo...!

EMO liao lo...!
Can RUNNING MAN make me laugh and forget the stupid things that keep turning around in my head??

Again, regret for not joining RCM Oct 2012 because of laziness.

Monday, January 7, 2013

RCM Jan 2013

被女神称赞我带的Campus Tour很不错, 很会讲话... 
从昨天开始就跟女神有互动了, 没想到今天更多..! =D
还有不少眼神接触呢.. <3
明天要找女神拍照, 今天错过了机会..! =)

其实真的很后悔上个学期因为懒惰没有参加RCM Oct 2012 ..
如果参加了的话, 早就跟女神有更多的互动了.. >.<
之前参加了的话, 这个学期就可以竞选committee了..
说不定Flirt King这个委员的特殊称号被我冠上呢!!
唉.. 超后悔的... 
后悔的程度可以跟当年没敢跟XX开口的后悔比较呢..! =P

我要竞选RCM May 2013的委员, Flirt King这个不入流的称号就由我独自承受吧! =D

小小抱怨 : 为何跆拳道的学费以及制服那么贵呢?!  便宜些的话, 女神早就成为了我的学妹了.. T^T

*今天被豆腐花呛到... >.<